[:hr]Nakon pažljivog promišljanja nastalih okolnosti i dugotrajnih razgovora s trenerom prve momčadi, Izvršni direktor NK Istra 1961 Michael Glover donio je odluku o raskidu ugovora s trenerom prve momčadi Marijom Totom.

Izvršni direktor Michael Glover želi javno zahvaliti gospodinu Totu za sav njegov neumorni rad u NK Istra 1961 i želi mu sve najbolje u budućoj karijeri.

Poziciju privremenog trenera prve momčadi do kraja sezone će preuzeti dosadašnji pomoćni trener Darko Raić-Sudar.[:us]After careful consideration, and lengthy talks with the first team coach, Executive Director of NK Istra 1961, Michael Glover, made the decision to terminate the contract of first team coach Marijo Tot.

Executive Director Michael Glover wants to publicly thank Mr. Tot for all of his tireless work at NK Istra 1961, and wishes him the best in his future career.

Former assistant coach Darko Raić-Sudar will take the position of the temporary coach of the first team until the end of the season.[:]