[:hr]Asistencija za pobjedonosni pogodak protiv Splita i poziv u reprezentaciju za Matu Miloša svakako su dvije krasne stvari koje su se dogodile našem desnom beku u posljednjih par dana. Mato je već na putu za SAD gdje se vraća nakon samo tri mjeseca od odrađenih priprema u Arizoni. Ovaj put ga nogomet vodi u Kaliforniju, točnije u Los Angeles gdje će reprezentacija odigrati prijateljsku utakmicu s Meksikom.

Porazgovarali smo s Matom o utakmici sa Splitom i pozivu u reprezentaciju. – Nakon svega što se dogodilo i nakon sedam utakmica bez pobjede ova tri boda nam jako puno znače. Najbitnije je bilo pobijediti, a samim time pokazati momčadski karakter i da smo prava momčad. Na kraju čak i možemo doći do šestog mjesta ako pobijedimo u Zaprešiću, a Slaven izgubi od Hajduka. Rekao je Miloš koji je otkrio jednu zanimljivu anegdotu s treninga. – Baš smo se neki dan na treningu Puclin i ja zezali kada je on rekao da bi baš volio zabiti gol, a ja sam mu na to odgovorio da bih bio zadovoljan i asistencijom, haha. Bio sam totalno pre sretan kada je stigao poziv od izbornika Čačića i siguran sam da je to pozitivno utjecalo na mene za utakmicu sa Splitom.

Poziv za utakmicu s Meksikom došao je, prema Matinim riječima, iz vedroga neba. – Apsolutno nisam očekivao poziv i malo me šokiralo kada sam saznao. Stvarno sam presretan zbog toga i veselim se povratku u Ameriku. U zadnja tri mjeseca sam više bio tamo nego ovdje, haha. Pošalio se Mato i nadodao. – Za sve nas koji smo dobili poziv je ovo velika čast, a sama utakmica odlična prilika da se pokažemo izborniku Čačiću.[:us]With an assist on the winning goal against Split, and a national team invitation, our right-winger, Matko Miloš, has had a great last few days. Mato is already on his way to the United States, where he returns only three months after Istra 1961’s trip to Arizona in preparation for the season. This time, he’ll be in Los Angeles, California, where the Croatian national team will play a friendly match against Mexico.

We talked with Mato about the match with Split and the invitation to the national team. “After all that happened in the last week, and after seven games without a win, these three points mean a lot to us,” said Mato. “The most important thing was to win, and thus to show that the team has character. It is possible for us to finish in sixth place if we win in Zaprešić, and Slaven loses against Hajduk.” Miloš shared an interesting anecdote from the training a couple of days before the match with Split. “The other day Puclin and I were talking, and he said that he would really like to score a goal. I responded that I would be happy just to get an assist,” he laughed. “I was very happy when I got the call from the national team selector Čačić, and I’m sure that it had a positive impact on me for the match against Split.

The Croatian selector’s call came, in Mato’s words, very suddenly. “I did not expect a call, and I was shocked when it came. I am really happy about it, and am looking forward to returning to America. In the last three months I was more there than here,” Mato added. “For all of us who get the call this is a great honor, and the game itself is a great opportunity to prove ourselves to the selector, Čačić.“[:]