[:hr]Nakon još jednog ligaškog poraza, 17. ove sezone, Zeleno-žuti su se vratili u Pulu i u četvrtak ujutro odradili lakši trening. Jednosatno druženje s loptom uz ševu i nogotenis više je poslužilo za rekuperaciju i povratak fizičke i psihičke snage, dok će priprema za Zagreb krenuti u petak. Dečki će trening odraditi u 15:00 sati na Drosini, dok će u večernjim satima preseliti u karantenu.

Jutarnji trening je s klupe odgledao Marcel Heister koji je ujedno odradio terapiju kod fizioterapeuta Marjanovića i koji neće biti spreman za subotnju utakmicu. Josip Vuković je pak lagano trčakarao uz rub travnjaka i kratko radio s loptom, a za povratak u trenažni proces će se trebati sačekati. I on je, kao i Heister, odradio terapiju.[:us]After another defeat, 17th in this season, the Green and Yellows returned to Pula and on Thursday morning did an easier workout. In one-hour training session they mostly played with the ball and worked to recover physical and mental strength, while the preparations for Zagreb wil start on Friday. The guys will do a training at 15:00 at the Drosina stadium, while in the evening they will move in a hotel where they will stay until the match.

Marcel Heister and Josip Vuković are still out of the training process. Heister watched the morning session from the bench while Vuković did some easy workout with the ball. Both of them also did a therapy in physiotherapist Marjanović ambulance.[:]