[:hr]Nogometaši Istre 1961 su u srijedu odradili duplu dozu traninga. U jutarnjim satima su vjažbali u teretani pulskog gradskog stadiona, dok su popodne preselili na travnjak Drosine. Tamo su pod vodstvom trenera Panadića tranirali oko sat i pol uz vježbe s loptom i trčanje za kraj treninga. Dobra vijest za momčad je svakako povratak u trenažni proces Marcela Heistera koji je od utakmice s Osijekom bio vani zbog ozljede koljena. Pogledatje slike.[:us]On Wednesday the Green and Yellows had a double training session. In the morning they were practicing at the stadium fitness, while in the afternoon they worked on the pitch. The mostly did exercises with the ball. A good news for the team is that Marcel Heister returned in the training process. He was out since the match against Osijek due to a knee injury.[:]