[:hr]Nogometaši Istre 1961 veći dio oba treninga u četvrtak će provesti uz testiranje njihovih fizičkih sposobnosti. Radi se o testovima brzine na 10, 20 i 40 metara, T-testu, testu skočnosti i Yoyo testu. Uz reprezentativnu pauzu stigla je i nova oprema koju je klub nabavio za testiranje svojih seniora, ali i članova škole nogometa pa je tako četvrtak savršeno poslužila da se odradi planirano.
Na jutarnjem treningu su dečki odradili test brzine, T-test i test skočnosti, dok će popodne napraviti Yoyo test nakon kojeg će uslijediti trening. Testiranja su zbog manjih problema s mišićima morali preskočiti Gržan, Solomon i Roce, ali srećom nisu u pitanju ozbiljniji problemi.
Na probi Admir Seferagić
Na probu je stigao 22-o godišnji švicarski napadač bosanskih korijena Admir Seferagić. Školu nogometa je prošao u Baselu, a zadnje tri sezone je igrao u švicarskom drugoligašu Schaffhausenu. Na probi će se zadržati do početka sljedećeg tjedna, a trener je najavio kako će mu dati priliku u subotu na utakmici s Udineseom.[:us]The Istra 1961 players spent most of training on Wednesday testing their physical abilities. They tested their speed at distances of 10, 20, and 40 meters, their endurance, and their vertical jumping capabilities. This was all done using the club’s newest testing equipment, which was acquired for the purpose of testing the senior team along with all academy members.
Admir Seferagić on trial period
Admir Seferagić, a 22-year-old Swiss striker with Bosnian roots, came for a trial period at NK Istra 1961. He graduated football school in Basel, Switzerland while he played the last three seasons with the Swiss second division team Schaffhausen. He will remain with the team until the beginning of next week, and coach Tot announced that he would give him a chance to play in Saturday’s match against Udinese.[:]