[:hr]Mladi reprezentativac Bosne i Hercegovine, 20-o godišnji Renato Gojković, trenutno se nalazi u Umagu gdje sa suigračima odrađuje posljednji dio priprema za drugi dio sezone. Renato je u Istru stigao netom prije početka sezone, a u Zeleno-žutom dresu je za sada odigrao osam utakmica. Porazgovarali smo s mladim stoperom koji se osvrnuo na dosadašnji dio priprema.
– Mislim da smo vrlo profesionalno odradili pripreme. Rekao je Gojković koji se sa suigračima intenzivno priprema za nastavak prvenstva. – Treninzi su teški, ali mi pokušavamo ispoštovati sve što trener traži od nas i smatram da smo uspjeli u tome. Ušli smo u zadnji dio priprema sa željom da što bolje odradimo preostale tri prijateljske utakmice i da se što bolje pripremimo za važan susret s Osijekom i nastavak prvenstva.
Renato je istaknuo kako je vrlo zadovoljan intenzitetom treninga i načinom rada trenera Panadića. – Mislim da je promjena trenera pozitivno utjecala na nas. Vidi se to na treninzima, na nama igračima i na našim licima. Trener je donio nešto novo, nove taktike, formacije, treninge koji su duži, ali i zanimljiviji. Iako su treninzi teži, određujemo ih lakše jer većinom radimo s loptom, bez dosadnog “suhog” trčanja. Takav način rada je za mene nova, ali odlična stvar.
Novost za Renata je i trajanje zagrijavanja prije treninga. Naime, kondicijski trener Sadibašić zna zagrijavati igrače i po pola sata prije nego što se počne s konkretnim radom. – To je isto velika novost za mene, a iako je možda taj dio treninga malo dosadniji, moram priznati da se stvarno odlično zagrijemo i tim vježbama smanjimo mogućnost ozljeda. Kaže Renato koji se osvrnuo na konkurenciju koju ima u obrani. Za dvije, odnosno tri pozicije, ovisno o formaciji, bore se Žižić, Ojdanić, Hadžić, Jurkić i Gojković. – Ostali smo mi koji smo većinom igrali prvi dio sezone, a priključio nam se Jurkić koji je stvarno dobar igrač. Momak daje sve od sebe i ima kvalitetu, a svi skupa se borimo za poziciju u prvoj momčadi. Kada je stigao novi trener smo svi mi igrači krenuli ispočetka, od nule, dok je na nama bilo da se pokažemo i dokažemo treneru. U prvu momčad će ući oni igrači koji se pokažu u najboljem svjetlu.
Za kraj se Gojković kratko osvrnuo na prvu “pravu” utakmicu na ovim pripremama koju su u petak Zeleno-žuti igrali sa Zavrčem – Utakmica sa Zavrčem nam je bila prva ozbiljnija provjera jer smo do tada sve utakmice igrali protiv četvrtoligaša. Bila je to čvrsta utakmica, ali smo uspjeli stvoriti dosta prilika, dok njima nismo dopustili šansu osim onog nesretnog penala. Igrali smo za pravo koliko nam je teren dopustio jer je bio stvarno tvrd i grbav pa je bilo jako teško kontrolirati loptu i stvoriti pas igru. Na ovom turniru ćemo imati još dvije, tri jače utakmice pa ćemo moći vidjeti na čemu smo.[:us]A young player of Bosnia and Hercegovina national team, and a 20 years old Renato Gojković is currently situated in Umag, where he is training with his teammates. Renato came to FC Istra 1961 right before the beginning of a season, where he played 8 games in green and yellow jersey. We got a chance to speak with him and get his opinion on the preparations.
– I think that we train really professionaly. Practices are hard, but we tried to give our very best in every segment, coach put in front of us. We entered the last part of preparations with a desire to play the best we can in the last three games and prepare ourselves for the game against Osijek.
Renato said how he is really satisfied with the intensity of a practice and the way how coach Panadić works with them. – I think that the change of a coach had a good influence on us. Coach brought us something new; new tactics, formations and practices, which are longer and more interesting. Even though, practices are harder, it is easier to go through them because we are mostly working with a ball without ”boring” running. That way of work is new for us but great.
Longer worm-up during the practice is something new for Renato. Strength and conditioning coach Sadibašić usually holds worm ups for half an hour before actual practice starts. – That’s also a big news for me, and even though that part of practice is a little bit boring, I have to admit that we are wormed up, which eventually decreases the chance for injuries. Said Renato Gojković, who also commented on the competition inside the team. – The competition for the position remained the same as it was in the first half of a season, except that Jurkić joined us. He is a really good player, and has the quality to play that position. When the new coach arrived, all of us started form the beginning, and it was on us to show the coach our skills and capabilities. Players, who step on the court are going to be the one who proved they are the best.
For the end, Gojković commented on the first ”real” game green and yellows played against Zavrč. – The match against Zavrč was the first serious game, because before that we played against fourth division teams. That was a firm game, where we had a lot of chances to score and defend, except that one time they scored us a goal. The field was though and bumpy and that’s something that hold us from performing better control over the ball. We are going to play two-three more games on this tournament, which will show us wehere we stand and what we still have to work on.