On Saturday, November 30, the 5v5 girls tournament was organized by Coerver Coaching Croatia, Zagreb.

The tournament was held in two categories: U-15 cadets and U-12 pioneers.
The Cadets won 5th place in the competition of 12 teams, while the Pioneer women in the competition of nine teams won 1st place.

The tournament featured:
Cadets – Maksimovic, Radjevic, Kolic, Mavrlja, Ban, Gravkic, Vitasovic, Cetina, Sejdić, Kovacevic, Mujanovic, Faltin, Polunic – Jurisic, Brankovic, Simara
Pioneers – Lovric, Gavric, Tomic, Zuber, Matosevic, Peteh, Radolovic, Klesin, Buzdon, Otto, Markulinic.

Mia Gavric and Lana Lovric were selected as the best players in the Pioneer Tournament.
